For more information: EMAIL: TEL: Katie Graunke, (505) 345-4800 ====================================== Stone Design Ships Productivity Suite for HP ALBUQUERQUE, NM, August 23, 1994 - Stone Design began shipping DataPhile, Create and 3D Reality for NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for HP's PA-RISC workstations today. "It's excellent to see leading NEXTSTEP commercial developers like Stone Design taking advantage of the multiplatform market opportunities we're providing" commented David Spitzler, Manager of Developer Relations at NeXT Computer, Inc. "NEXTSTEP performance on PA-RISC is exceptional, and the port was trivial," said Andrew Stone, CEO of Stone Design. "We are pleased to be able to provide our existing customers who can ftp with the HP binaries at no charge". Registered users who have the STONE_CD can ftp the binaries from: DataPhile is a self-contained database which can store text, rich text, sound, files, images, monetary figures, dates and values. Anyone can create and modify databases quickly and easily, and generate professional forms, labels and reports. Data entry aids such as scrolling lists, switches, and data validation make using DataPhile a joy. Create is a professional multi-page drawing package that brings the power of PostScript to the mere mortal. Advanced features include: user-created PostScript patterns, online image library, text to spline conversion, arbitrary clipping of images, object linking to and from Create, save as EPS, TIFF, PS, Ascii, RTF, an expert PostScript writing environment, etc. 3DReality is an extensible 3D modeling package and frontend to Pixar's Photorealistic Renderman. Libraries of 3D clip art, shapes, images, shaders and textures, as well as programming examples, are included in the distribution. Reality's Application Programmer's Interface allows end users to create their own shapes above and beyond the supplied ones. To automatically receive information on Stone products, send email to: with a message containing the name of the file(s) you want to get: Database: DataPhile_Version_2.1_SHIPS.rtfd DataPhile_Version_2.rtfd Graphics: Create_Version_2.1_SHIPS.rtfd Create_Version_2.rtfd 3D_Reality_Version_1.5_SHIPS.rtfd 3D_Reality_Version_1.5.rtfd The files will be promptly returned by NextMail. If you have WWW, you can view these files directly: To send questions to a human: or call us at (505) 345 4800 -*- Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, founded in 1984, develops a variety of business productivity applications for NEXTSTEP. DataPhile, Create, 3D Reality are trademarks of Stone Design Corporation. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.